Sie möchten Ihre Stadt / Gemeinde sauber halten und dabei die Umweltauswirkungen von Plastik reduzieren? Ob Hundekotbeutel, Müllbeutel oder Müllsäcke – wir haben die passenden Lösungen für Ihren Bedarf!
Produkte für Städte & Gemeinden
Purchase options for
cities & municipalities
Would you like to keep your city / municipality clean and reduce the environmental impact of plastic?
Feel free to send us an email or give us a call. We look forward to your inquiry at any time!

Would you like to keep your city / municipality clean and reduce the environmental impact of plastic?
Feel free to send us an email or give us a call. We look forward to your inquiry at any time!
Purchase options for
cities / municipalities

Your contact persons:
Your contact persons:

The Sustainable People
Eilbeker Weg 66
22089 Hamburg
+49 (0)40 – 881 973 63
© The Sustainable People – All rights reserved.